Here Is Who We Support in 2024
We will work to elect these outstanding Progressive candidates to the Salem City Council in the May 21st Primary Election
The Progressive Salem Candidate Recruitment Committee has completed their process to choose candidates to support in the upcoming Salem City Council election on May 21, 2024. Here are the outstanding Progressive candidates we support.
Re-elect Chris Hoy For Salem Mayor
Progressive Salem helped to recruit and elect Chris to the City Council in 2017 and have strongly supported him ever since. As our mayor he has led efforts to find real solutions to our homeless crisis and to provide more affordable housing, among many other accomplishments.
Elect Paul Tigan for City Council, Ward 1
Ever since moving to Salem with his family Paul Tigan has been active in civic affairs, serving as Land Use Chair of his neighborhood association, on the Citizen Budget Committee which he chaired for two years, and now on the Salem Planning Commission. His experience will make him an outstanding City Councilor in Ward 1.
Elect Nathan Soltz for City Council, Ward 3
Nathan was recruited and is endorsed by outgoing Ward 3 Councilor Trevor Phillips. At a young age, Nathan has devoted his life to public service, as Chief of Staff for Senator Lew Frederick and Secretary of the Democratic Party of Oregon.
Elect Irvin Brown for City Council, Ward 5
Irvin Brown is the current Chair of the City's Budget Committee and works for the state’s Dept. of Human Resources as a policy advisor for education, homelessness and behavioral/mental health. He’s served in the U.S. Navy and on the advisory Committee for the Marion County Sheriff's Office.
Re-Elect Vanessa Nordyke for City Council, Ward 7
Progressive Salem helped to recruit and elect Vanessa to the City Council in 2020. As Councilor she has worked successfully with other Councilors on the issues of homelessness, affordable housing, and supporting local businesses.
What's At Stake in 2024
Republicans and their special interest allies will try once again to take back the Salem City Council in 2024. Republican Julie Hoy, presently the City Councilor in Ward 6, is running to unseat our Mayor. If elected she will take us back to the bad old days of Republican Mayors Janet Taylor and Anna Peterson when developers, realtors, home builders and other special interests called the shots at City Hall. A Republican realtor, Shane Matthews, is running against our candidate Nathan Soltz in Ward 3 and is sure to have lots of special interest money to try to win back that seat that we took away from Republican Brad Nanke four years ago.
Our strong Progressive majority that has brought us real progress on problems like homelessness, affordable housing, and climate change in the past four years is in grave jeopardy if we fail to elect our Progressive candidates in the May 21st Primary election. You can help by becoming a member and donating to Progressive Salem. All of our donations go directly to support our candidates. You can also volunteer when called upon to canvass for our candidates and to work to Get Out the Vote in May.